Thursday, June 30, 2016

What Our Children Need Pt3 ~
Deuteronomy 6:6-8
"And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise."

Our kids need us to support them until they can think for themselves. We watch them grow and we often think they can start to take the reigns of their life but they still need us to guide. I have studied our generation of youth. And I have found that they do well when life serves them the good life. The adverse times are when this generation need us a little more.

We have an ambitious group of youngsters. They can develop negative thoughts and habits while things aren't going good for them. They have trouble when they face adversity. They seem to be a generation that works less on faith and more on results. How things are going for them currently heavily effects weather they will continue to pursue their goals. This means that if disappointment is frequent, they will tend to shy away from pursuing that goal. In times like these, vision and peace of mind are what they need. 

I don't like seeing our kids jump from goal to goal as if they weren't built with tenacity and perseverance. Keep them focused and inspired. It only takes a few good days for their mood to return back to positive. Understand that they will want to free themselves of any pain or discomfort and as leaders we naturally want them to be pain free too, but we all know anything worth having is worth fighting for. 

So when they come to you with a change of heart while things are tough, talk them through the pain. Teach them that the discomfort they are experiencing at the time is only growth. Making them stronger. Sharpening them. You could even tell them about a few times that you pushed through some tough times. 

This is the brightest most entitled generation of youth yet. They are needing a little help in the subject of adversity. Us adults experience adversity all of the time. We have grown accustomed to taking the punches life throws. I don't want to see our youth grow up not knowing how to push through things. I think with a little push when things are rough, we can nip some of that negative behaviors in the bud. A little sound counseling is all they need.

- Josh Williams

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